Friday, January 28, 2011

Our Kids December 2010

December 2010 was a BUSY BUSY
month for our friends and family!
Not only did we have a fantastic
wedding to be a part of, but we also
enjoyed our kids all together under
one roof again for a short time!

Elements used are by:
Create with TLC
Misty Cato Designs

What a blessing it was to enjoy
every moment we had
with the kids!
Mom and Dad

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Long Time No See


I am unsure where to even begin with an update.
I have been well, just extremely busy!  There
has been little to no time for me to be creative
let alone keep up with my blog.  I do apologize
for the extended absence.  

My surgery went well.  I was back in the hospital
with a severe case of gastroenteritis.  Got over
that, but it took about 2 full months to get to the
point that I could function to any level of
decency.  Then the holidays came around.  I also
had to go out of town for 8 days to take care
of family business at Dad's house.  Our son was
home for most of the month of December to
celebrate Christmas and stand up in a wedding.

The wedding was for very close family friends.
Their son is 7 weeks older than our son and the
boys grew up together most of their childhood.
It was great to be included in the wedding
activities!  I was asked to help make center-
pieces for the tables at the reception as well as
favors for each place setting.  I made favors
for each place setting at the rehearsal dinner as
well.  It really was an honor to be able to help
and participate in all the events leading up to
and including the wedding.  Our 13 year old
daughter helped make a lot of the projects too.
She likes to be crafty with mom!  Our son
stood up as one of the groomsmen and he was
in his military uniform.  What a handsome
young man he has become!!  And the bride
and groom were simply gorgeous!  

December was a fantastic month full of blessings
and happiness!!

January came around with just as much
activities and to be honest as I sit here right now
can't even recall what everything has been...but
it has been NON-stop!

As far as my well-being...  I have lost a total
of 103 pounds since my highest weight was 
ever recorded.  And a total of 74 pounds
since my surgery date.  I feel fantastic!  I am
really eager for my knees to finally realize the
weight loss is supposed to make them feel
better and function better!  In the meantime, I
am still using my walker and not exercising like
I should be.  I pray for this to happen ASAP!

I have a lot of recipe pages to share and will
begin sharing them again ASAP!  I am going to
try to get into creating things again.  But it
really is difficult to make that time to sit on
the computer lately.  Hang in there with me and
things will start coming back together.

Thank you to everyone who has sent me
private notes and sent encouragement and love!
~~~It is all appreciated beyond belief!~~~

