Thursday, May 29, 2008

Candy Bar Wrapper printables

These are for chocolate candy bars. The elements are all from:
Sure hope someone can use them for someone special.

Have a great day!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


This template is made by Fran, from Fran's New Beginnings. The fills and elements are made by myself. This is a cover for a mini composition notebook.

Reflect upon your present blessings,
of which every man has many --
not on your past misfortunes,
of which all men have some.

-Charles Dickens

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


This is the template I made and used in my sons layout...
Hope someone else will want to play with it.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Today is Memorial Day. Our son is in the United States Air Force stationed in Okinawa, Japan. He will be there for about 2 years. We are extremely proud of him and pray for him every day. We pray for all our men and women in the Forces...all branches. Today is the day to honor and remember them all whether deceased, living, Veteran or active... OUR PRAYERS ARE WITH YOU ALL!

This is our son:

CREDITS for this layout are unknown...If you know please email me and I will gladly add their credits here as this is a BEAUTIFUL kit I'm grateful to have. All I know is that it is called "HOME OF THE BRAVE"

June 1, 2008
I FOUND THE CORRECT LOCATION... This kit is made and shared on it is called HOME OF THE BRAVE.


This was shared with me by a dear online friend. I just know it will make you smile too.
It is shared as author unknown so if anyone knows the author please let me know.

How to Be Happy!
Don't ever stop dreaming your dreams;
they're a very essential part of you.
Do whatever you can to make them a
reality by the course you take,
the plans you make,
and all the things you do.
Don't dwell on past mistakes; leave
yesterday behind you --- along with any
of its problems, worries, and doubts.
Do realize you can't change the past,
but just ahead is the future --- and
you can do something about that.
Don't try to accomplish everything at
once; life can be difficult enough ---
without adding frustration to the list.
Do travel one step at a time, and reach
for one goal at a time. That's the way
to find out what real accomplishment is.
Don't be afraid to do the impossible,
even if others don't think you'll succeed.
Do remember that history is filled with
incredible accomplishments of those who
were foolish enough ..... to believe.
Don't forget that there are so many
things that are wonderful, rare,
and unique about you.
And do remember that if you can search
within and find a smile ..... that smile
will always be a reflection
of the way people feel ..... about YOU!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

My goals in this blog

IT IS RAINING! Hurray! We need rain so badly! It is such a blessing to see it rain!

I have been doing a lot of thinking about the direction/purpose I'd like to go in my blog. I am really wanting to share templates or layouts that I have created. I am happiest when I can share. They really don't do much good sitting on my hard drive. I am hoping that you will find my templates useful. If there is ever a question about any of them, don't hesitate to email me for help. IF I can help, I will!

Learning more of how to make the most of my Paint Shop Pro program is so fun, but a bit challenging at times. I enjoy learning how to make elements and such to use in scrapbooking or craft projects. Many of the elements used in scrapbooking can be applied to projects of all kinds: bookmarks, bags, boxes, greeting cards, posters, trading cards, scrapbook layouts, just about anything you can make with paper.

Another thing I like to share is anything that lifts a persons heart/soul. Positive thoughts and encouraging words. Whether it be in the daily life issues or the occassional situation, positive thoughts are always necessary. Sometimes words are not easy to come by for me, so when I find a meaningful quote and thought, I will share those as well.

I am excited about learning more of how to make my blog effective for others as well as myself. So, as I'm learning and figuring this all out, I hope you all bear with me and enjoy what I am sharing.

Have a blessed day!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Scrapping Layout Templates

Here are two scrapbook page layout templates that are fun to work with.

Monday, May 19, 2008


When your heart is empty,
filling it with happy memories
can help you find your smile.

Here is a usable printable for you to start with. Print on card stock and laminate is one idea. Print on magnetic sheets to make magnets for travel time fun is another idea... Use it in any way that suits your needs.



This is a checkerboard template I made with the thoughts of making it magnet for car trips. But it could be made smaller even for classroom parties or birthday party 'thank-you gift stuffers'. It could be used for a sick friend that needs a distraction and you want it to have something to do to fill time. Lots of fun can be had with checkers... and you can decorate it to your or the recipients likes or even the holiday or season.


Sunday, May 18, 2008

This is a scrapbook layout I did to honor our sons best friend that I fondly call my SON #2... He is also in the USAF and married to his sweetheart shortly before going to Basic Training. This photo was taken on his Graduation Day from Basic.

Elements are from:


Time gets away and MEET OUR KIDS

It is so easy to let time get away from me. I'm sorry I haven't been here more often. Life has been very busy and keeping me hopping from one thing to another.

I used to be on 18+ Yahoo Groups. Over the course of the past few weeks, I've eliminated for one reason or another and am now down to 5! Actually, I had it down to 4, but signed into a new one last night that a cyber friend from years ago opened so we can all learn more about blogging with all its options and offerings. I am excited to learn more about that too.

Our youngest is graduating from 5th grade in a couple weeks so I have a party to plan! So exciting... To think we don't have any 'babies' any more... makes me a feel a bit old and confirms that I've earned every gray hair on my head. But we are so proud of each of them! I have added pics of them here. They are the gems of our hearts!

Matthew is almost 20 years old. He is an Airman in the USAF. Currently, he is stationed in Okinawa, Japan and is projected to be there for two years!

Julia is currently enrolled in PBCC and studying Massage Therapy. She is almost 19 years old. She works part time at Crate and Barrel in the local mall. She loves to swim, suntan, play on her computer, and have fun with her friends!

Emily is going to be 11 this summer. She will start at middle school this fall. She is planning on playing the clarinet in band and is so very very excited about that! She loves to go bowling, swimming, playing with her friends, and doing all sorts of crafty projects!

Well, I hope you have a blessed Sunday and a fulfilling week ahead!
