Thursday, May 22, 2008

My goals in this blog

IT IS RAINING! Hurray! We need rain so badly! It is such a blessing to see it rain!

I have been doing a lot of thinking about the direction/purpose I'd like to go in my blog. I am really wanting to share templates or layouts that I have created. I am happiest when I can share. They really don't do much good sitting on my hard drive. I am hoping that you will find my templates useful. If there is ever a question about any of them, don't hesitate to email me for help. IF I can help, I will!

Learning more of how to make the most of my Paint Shop Pro program is so fun, but a bit challenging at times. I enjoy learning how to make elements and such to use in scrapbooking or craft projects. Many of the elements used in scrapbooking can be applied to projects of all kinds: bookmarks, bags, boxes, greeting cards, posters, trading cards, scrapbook layouts, just about anything you can make with paper.

Another thing I like to share is anything that lifts a persons heart/soul. Positive thoughts and encouraging words. Whether it be in the daily life issues or the occassional situation, positive thoughts are always necessary. Sometimes words are not easy to come by for me, so when I find a meaningful quote and thought, I will share those as well.

I am excited about learning more of how to make my blog effective for others as well as myself. So, as I'm learning and figuring this all out, I hope you all bear with me and enjoy what I am sharing.

Have a blessed day!!

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