Wednesday, June 25, 2008

WIshes for you!

May your home be filled with peace,
And your heart with hopeful cheer,
May your happiness increase
With each bright succeeding year.
-H. M. Burnside


SO MANY BLESSINGS to be thankful for....

I had my hair colored and cut last night. OH does it ever feel good this morning! NO MORE GREY!!!!!!

My mom is coming into town today! WHOO HOO. We haven't seen her since January!

We are going out of town soon. It is so exciting to know we are going to celebrate such a landmark event ... My Grandparents 70th Wedding Anniversary!!!!!!!!!! HURRAY!!!!!!

Our kids are all doing well. We all have our health. We are keeping busy.

What more could life give??!

Hope you all have a good day!


Sunday, June 22, 2008

Disposable Camera Poem

For the big family reunion that we are putting together in July, we are going to put disposable cameras on each table with one of these cards. I'm not sure which of the three styles will be used, but we have a week to decide yet. I am so excited for this party! It is such a privilege to be able to celebrate so many years with my grandparents! My grandfather is the cornerstone of this family. The whole time I was growing up, Grandpa was the center of almost everything. For many years, Grandma and Grandpa lived in a house right behind us. I remember helping Grandpa in his massive garden. It was so funny to see him out there every day with his belly bare and his old baggy work pants on. If he was hungry, he'd go pull out an onion, wash it in the utility tub and bite it like an apple. Grandpa always had green beans, carrots, tomatoes, onions, corn on the cob, zucchini, strawberries, and much more in his garden. When I'd go visit with Grandma, she would let us have a special peppermint from a special can that she kept on her counter! I am so lucky to have been given that special can from Grandma! If we were lucky enough to sit with them in church, I always got next to Grandma. She had the best shoulder to rest my head on. In the winter she wore a winter coat that was great to snuggle into. But man on man, if we were too wiggly, Grandma knew how to do the pinchy twist to get us to sit still. There are so many wonderful memories and Grandma and Grandpa and I truly count them as one of the many blessings in my life! I LOVE YOU GRANDPA and GRANDMA!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, June 19, 2008

My FIRST Scrapbook KIT

I made this in March of 2008 and have really hesitated sharing it here as I'm not sure it is good enough to share in the world of all the professional looking kits that are available. But I decided to take the plunge. Please honor my TOU as stated on the blog. If you feel it is good enough to download or share, please just give folks the link to my blog as I do share freely but would rather it not be shared unless I share it. THANK YOU. The password is: March2008 just as I typed it here... no spaces and a capital letter M.

If you do download it, please share some feedback. I appreciate it.

Have a great day!


Magnetic Bookmark Templates

Design, print, cut out, attach a magnet to the inside of each side making sure the magnet sticks to each other instead of pushes apart, and use in your favorite book.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Married Man Rule #23

Paulette is an online friend and owner of She has made a gift for us for our 21st Wedding Anniversary and has given me permission to share it with you.

this is the download link to snag the giftie above...

THANK YOU Paulette!


HAPPY FATHERS DAY! +templates & printable

Fathers, brothers, uncles, grandfathers....

Breakfast With Dad

1 dad (dear and devoted)
1 adoring child (or more)
1 morning quality time, set aside
generous serving family spirit
heaping measure good old-fashioned fun
1 cup love, running over
1 pancake breakfast kit

Combine dad and child in kitchen on morning set aside. Hug thoroughly. Blend well. Add family spirit. Let rise. Mix in fun gradually until laughter bubbles up. Pour on love. Make pancakes according to directions. Enjoy!


Dear (Sugar) Daddy,
You are the best dad in the whole Milky Way, even though you are from
Mars and I'm from Venus. You Skor high points as a dad....don't Snicker(s).
When you were born there was a Symphony in heaven! Your Hot Tamale(s), Mom,
still thinks you are a Big Hunk. I wish I could take you on a shopping
Spree on 5th Avenue in New York (Peppermint Patty), but they don't have
Builders Square there because they're Nerds.
Love you Mounds,
Your Nut (Roll)

You're always ready
to listen and share,
to give wise advice
and show that you care.
You never run out of patience or smiles,
you hug all my hurts-Grandpa-style …
You're quick to offer support and praise,
to show your kindness in countless ways.
You're thoughtful and giving in all you do-
You're a really great friend …


Father's Day hugs
Sent your way
To lighten your heart
And brighten your day
Happy Fathers Day
author unknown to me


Candy Bar wrapper gift for You to use. The template and the elements are from: The layout is by myself.





Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Arthritus and company

Good Morning! I am in the midst of treatments for arthritus in my knees. The doc says it is severe already and a pretty major deal. Yesterday I received my first in a series of three shots for each knee to inject SYNVISC ( into my knees. He explained it as oiling a rusty hinge. The hinge doesn't change or go away, but the oil helps it move and function easier. Since it is already to the severe level, he is not sure of what kind of success it will provide, but we are going to try. I am continuing with my pool exercises and dieting efforts. I'd really like to lose at least 100 pounds in the next two years. The doc says then I can have replacements done with a much easier recovery if I lose the weight. I've been on that roller coaster of weight issues for a long time now so I have to make it work this time.

We have company here from out of town for a couple of days, so we are going to be "playing" today with them. But I will post some new templates in the next day or two. I've been playing with some layout ideas and need to just get them into the PSP format.

Have a great day everyone! Make it count!


Having some place to go is home.
Having someone to love is family.
Having both is a blessing.

HEART theme templates

In honor of our anniversary, I thought I'd share some heart-themed templates for you to snag.

today is our 21st Anniversary!



this is a gift from an online friend...

Monday, June 2, 2008

With Flag Day this month, 4th of July in about a month, and Memorial Day just past, I've been feeling rather patriotic lately. This layout is from the forum at:

The picture is one I took at our Son's Graduation Ceremony last year from Basic Training for the Air Force. It was an emotional day I will never forget.

Thank you for looking at the layout and sharing the moment with me!


Sunday, June 1, 2008

POCKET PATRIOT printable and template

I made this years ago and never knew that my son would be in the Air Force. I have only known 2 people in my life that have been in active duty and now my son is. We are so proud of him, as well as all those how serve our country. Whether you agree with "the way things are or not", the need to support our men and women is overwhelming!!! I hope this will help some of you share that support.