Sunday, June 22, 2008

Disposable Camera Poem

For the big family reunion that we are putting together in July, we are going to put disposable cameras on each table with one of these cards. I'm not sure which of the three styles will be used, but we have a week to decide yet. I am so excited for this party! It is such a privilege to be able to celebrate so many years with my grandparents! My grandfather is the cornerstone of this family. The whole time I was growing up, Grandpa was the center of almost everything. For many years, Grandma and Grandpa lived in a house right behind us. I remember helping Grandpa in his massive garden. It was so funny to see him out there every day with his belly bare and his old baggy work pants on. If he was hungry, he'd go pull out an onion, wash it in the utility tub and bite it like an apple. Grandpa always had green beans, carrots, tomatoes, onions, corn on the cob, zucchini, strawberries, and much more in his garden. When I'd go visit with Grandma, she would let us have a special peppermint from a special can that she kept on her counter! I am so lucky to have been given that special can from Grandma! If we were lucky enough to sit with them in church, I always got next to Grandma. She had the best shoulder to rest my head on. In the winter she wore a winter coat that was great to snuggle into. But man on man, if we were too wiggly, Grandma knew how to do the pinchy twist to get us to sit still. There are so many wonderful memories and Grandma and Grandpa and I truly count them as one of the many blessings in my life! I LOVE YOU GRANDPA and GRANDMA!!!!!!!!!


1 comment:

  1. You may want to consider renting fully insured digital cameras instead of buying and developing disposables. CameraRenter-- –provides you with all the pictures on a CD and on a website. It’s a lot easier and higher quality than disposables cameras.
