Thursday, October 16, 2008

CandeeCorn Templates for Halloween

I had promised a whole set of CandeeCorn themed templates for Halloween. I apologize for them being so late in getting here. Time is not my own any more and it has been one thing after another around here. Then to top it off, my youngest only had half a day of school today, so then a she and a friend were here all afternoon ... We all enjoyed a good playtime in the pool!

This zip file ONLY has jpg files in it. I am not sure what I was thinking when I did all of it, but I didn't save it as png or psp so all I can share are jpgs. But I did test them all in PSP7 and all the jpgs work fine. Lines are clear and able to select if your tolerance is set correctly. It was fun making these and I sure hope you have fun decorating them into completed projects!

This is also going to be my last Halloween Post... I am going to focus on Thanksgiving now for a few weeks. Then we get into Christmas. That is my most favorite holiday for many reasons! Jesus is the Reason for the Season is the primary one...but it is also so fun to see happiness in kids faces and share the joy of it all with everyone!

Here is the download:  LINK REMOVED


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the wonderful templates, hon! I appreciate all the work you put into them!!!!
    Hugs, Lisajo
