Thursday, January 22, 2009


You're sweeter than chocolate
And a joy from the start
It shouldn't be too puzzling
Why you're so dear in my heart
author unknown
Hearts and Flowers
It's that time of year
Hugs and Kisses
Valentine's Day is here.
So Dear Friend
Take this little treat
A Chocolate coated heart
That is oh so sweet.
© patsy 2002
Some loves come and go
Some are fast and some so slow
When your love doesn't last
Remember chocolate--Forget the Rat!!!!!!!!!
author unknown
When your love has left you cold
And your romance has the croup
Warm your little heart
With a little Cupid Soup!

Cupid Soup

It's the eve of Valentine's Day, it's time for bed.
But your eyes won't close.
You can't even doze.

So make a Cupid's mug o' soup
To help you fall asleep,
Then Cupid into your dreams will creep.

Pour this "soup" mixture into your mug,
With boiling water, then mix.
Then drop in the Cupid's special kiss,
and stir with the candy cane stick!

Add a few marshmallows,
And sip it slowly down.
Crawl into bed, Cupid's arrow will soon be around.
Paulette, 1999~~TLC Creations

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