Friday, February 20, 2009


  • Kiss on the ear = "I'm Horny"
  • Kiss on the cheek = "We're Friends"
  • Kiss on the hand = "I Adore You"
  • Kiss on the shoulder = "I Want You"
  • Kiss on the lips = "I Love You"
  • Kiss on everywhere else = "Let's get Busy"
  • Holding hands = "We Can Learn To Love Each Other"
  • A wink = "Let's Get It On"
  • Slap on the butt = "Watch Out"
  • Playing with the ear = "I Can't Live Without You"
  • Arms around the waist = "I Love You To Much To Let Go"
  • Pulling hair on head = "Tell Me You Love Me"
  • Looking into each other's eyes = "Let's Get Romantic"
  • Holding on tight = "Don't Let Go"

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