Friday, May 22, 2009


Theme: Life is a Banquet

Let’s honor our train passengers with a feast of sophistication and style.

We want this Gourmet Food Train to be a representation of the finer things in life.
Fine dining and fine taste.
This is not for the neighborhood BBQ nor the beach bonfire.
This is to represent elegance and fine dining; class and debonair.
Think of it as a Black Tie Affair instead of a trip to an all you can eat buffet.
Color Palate: The strip at the bottom of the logo.
Train Departure: JUNE 14th.  CLOSED

Paulette and RhondaSue


1 comment:

  1. Sorry to post this in the wrong place, but couldn't find a link for the music train. I LOVE it! My daughter and I share a love for music! We are active in church and we both direct our church choirs...she knows what she is doing while I am the only thing our church has! haha I love praising God. Thank you for the freebie kit. I will be back for another visit soon...before the weekend is over, I am sure!
