Thursday, June 18, 2009


The next TlcCreations/Craftymumz Creations
blog train is loading up.

The theme for this one is "Wish You Were Here".....
everything to do with travel, vacation and wonderful places.

There is also a color palate to make this a collaborative train.

We are only accepting 17 members.
So you need to sign up early.

Train Departs.............July 12th.

Taggers, Scrappers, and Printable Makers are welcomed.
CU or PU

You must be able to get a preview and a
download link to us by July 9th.
Your blog must be Family Friendly, and offer freebies.
Your contribution to the train cannot
be items snagged off the web.
They can be incorporated in papers, elements, etc.....
but not stand alone. We want you to think outside
the box and let your talent shine.

If you are new to Blog Trains....Rhonda and I are
very welcoming to let newbies shine.
Looking forward to you hopping on this next train.....

1 comment:

  1. This will be an awesome train....can't wait for it to take off myself.

