Saturday, August 29, 2009


I have posted the links all a day early because I'm leaving for Indiana tomorrow morning to attend my grandfather's funeral. Please, starting here, keep scrolling down my page. You will find 5 PreTrain freebies, as well as 10 other download links for contributions to this trains cargo. One of the yahoo groups that I am member of, has made some contributions for the train. I am so tickled to host their creations. We are even in the midst of conversations for getting that group set up with their own blog. SO EXCITING........ So, without further adeiu, please scroll down to find all the goodies and don't forget to go to all the other artists blogs to share love and appreciation for their time and talents shared in the cargo downloads...

See ya'll in a week!


PS... I really want to take a moment to THANK EACH OF YOU! I realize not everyone takes the time to stop and say thank you for the goodies when they are snagged, but I want to tell you that despite not hearing from you, I do appreciate each of you as crafters and online friends.



  1. All of your parts to this train are amazing! And so are those of your fellow group members & fellow blog train members. Thank you so much for all of this amaazingness!!! I am sorry to hear about your losing a family member.

  2. Thanks so much for a wonder trip through the 70s.

    My condolences to your family on the death of your grandfather.

  3. I'm sorry for your loss of your Grandfather. Thank you for a great part of a great train!
