Saturday, December 12, 2009


THIS set is a greeting card layout for the story called

The file includes the jpg files of each side of the card.
If you don't know how to make your printer print it
to line up by doing both sides, I'd recomment printing
both and using double stick tape to attach them together.

If you want to get real fancy, you can make it look like a
quilt or some such and put a ruffle lace between the layers
sticking out all around the card. You can use this in any
fashion that you choose.

When I gave these as gifts, I fan-folded the kitchen
towel and then folded in half. Now at that fold, tie a
ribbon/bow and then fan out the top. I used a safety
pin to attach to the two sides in the center together to
hold the fan shape a bit better and attached the card to
that safety pin. I've also seen these done as a roll and
simply wrapped in cellophane.



The Towel

At first glance, one looks at a kitchen towel and thinks,
“Now, a towel...I needed a new one. The old ones are getting stained and worn."
But have we ever stopped to think that for years, even thousands of years,
the towel has not just been used in the kitchen, but for a variety of reasons?

Take example the mother who wipes the tears of a child to soothe
the physical and emotional hurt, the physician who binds the wound of a bleeding patient,
the woman in her home, wiping her hands as she moves from task to task,
the weary traveler who wipes his sweated brow. Some other examples would be
the manager of a boxer who "throws in the towel" to save the life of his protégé
or the young man wiping the grease off his hands as he fixes his old jalopy.

Notwithstanding all of the above examples, perhaps the most significant use
of the towel was about two thousand years ago when our loving Savior,
took an ordinary towel in his hands and dried the feet of the disciples
only hours before his crucifixion.
Sure, the towel is a handy item with a myriad of uses, but it also has deep symbolic meaning
when seen in the hands of the Savior doing a work of kindness for his fellow men.

So take this towel, knowing it is given with love, and do works of goodness with it,
as the Savior worked goodness with his so many years ago.

Merry Christmas


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  1. Oh how beautiful. Just love the Christmas towel story!! I have a new understanding and appreciation for my towels now. Thank you so much for sharing it, as well as your wonderful creations!

  2. Thank You for Sharing your freebies!
    You are so sweet!
