Friday, January 1, 2010


It's Cuddle Day!
It's the perfect time of year to snuggle up
close to someone you care about -- middle of winter.
Now it's important to note the different ways that one
can cuddle, You can grab a blanket and get in real
nice and close. You can find a person that most
resembles a big teddy bear and cuddle up by the fire.
Or you can grab your favorite stuffed animal and give
it a nice big squeeze.

Which ever way you choose - make sure its
a comfy one and sure to last a while!

Now, GO CUDDLE!!!!


PS. Elements used are from a kit called cafe praline
but it doesn't have a credit file for me to give proper
credit where credit is due... I apologize to the artist,
but if anyone can identify it for me, I'd be happy to
share proper credit!

Download expired

1 comment:

  1. Another cutie! You are just full of inspiration. Thank you
