Sunday, May 9, 2010


I'm so sorry to have been missing for so long!  I never intend to be "gone" for so long...  but this time I had no control over it.  My husband thinks it was a power surge or a brown out, but for whatever reason, my computer died and it was less than 12 hours after he left town for a business trip.  So, until his return I wasn't able to do anything with the computer because despite him trying to help me over the phone to do various things, nothing worked!  When he returned home, he took the side wall off the tower and OH MAN did the dust bunnies multiply in there!  YUK!  So he got that all cleaned out and then took out the power supply and replaced it with a brand new one.  That wasn't the problem, however the new one is like turbo charged with dual fan cool and higher output.  Then he changed the c-mos battery.  That was also not the problem, however the one he removed had very low voltage so it was good to replace that.  Last thing he could try at this point was the mother board.  To try to find a new mother board was not easy because my computer is an "older" Gateway...  so, once we did locate one to purchase from a place in Miami via the internet, we actually paid for overnight shipping!!  That WAS the problem!  So, now I am back up and running ~ SORT OF...  He performed a disk clean up, virus scan and update, and a defrag.  Now I am sitting at the kitchen table with an old monitor and different keyboard and a mouse that works when it wants to...  so, once we are done moving around some furniture (our daughter is moving back home so we need to do some rearranging), my system will be put together as it is supposed to be.  And then I am hoping to find some "creativity" cells that might be lurking around in the dusty cobweb filled corners of my cranium... and produce something fun to share here for your enjoyment.

I do want to wish EVERYONE out there HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!!!!  What a day to enjoy... with family, love and fun!!  My son sent me a beautiful bouquet of blue iris and lillies.  He is at his current base in Las Vegas, Nevada...sure do miss him!  My oldest daughter got off of work at 7AM this morning and brought me a beautiful bouquet of white roses and lillies with pink centers and then both of my daughters made me breakfast!  I'm not sure what the rest of the day will bring, but it is a great day so far!




1 comment:

  1. Glad to have you back. Love your wonderful creations.
