Thursday, June 3, 2010


I had taken many pictures of my family
when we were all together for my
Grandma's funeral in October 2009.
I finally got them developed!
I am putting them together into
those $1.00 books you can pick up at
Walmart.  But even though the cover
was a pretty pink flower (pink was
one of Grandma's favorite colors),
it wasn't what I felt was appropriate
for the cover of these pictures.
So, I took the memorial card that was
at the funeral home and scanned them
into my computer.  I made a cover
and inside cover of two of the panels
in the card.  The back cover insert is
the personal information 
(birthdate and deathdate) that I won't
be sharing here, but it is included
in my finished projects.
These books are being made as
gifts of love for my mom and her four
siblings... all 5 children to my
Grandma!  A couple of them
requested copies of the photos,
but to just sent photos seemed so
impersonal to me.  So I'm putting
together a special gift for each
of them by doing this.

You may click on these pictures to open
them larger and save them for your
own project if you'd like...
These are both sized to be in the cover
of a photo album that holds 4x6 photos.
NOTE:  this is larger by a tad bit than
the 4x6 pockets for the photos...

This is my Grandma and Grandpa
in July of 2008

Grandma and Grandpa...
and miss you so much!!!!!!



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