Saturday, August 4, 2012


Today is our youngest's birthday!  She is celebrating #15!!  
We did orange rolls for breakfast... OH SO YUMMO!

Emily has no preference for meal options for dinner so I
am still trying to figure out how to make a birthday dinner
with ground beef...  HHHHhhmmmmmmmmm... might have
to dig out a cookbook or something.

I couldn't pick a single "wish" to share with you today, EMILY
so I am sending them ALL............

Today is a very special day,
because it is the day when I (we) first saw my (our) angel.
May you never grow up for me (us)! Have a lovely birthday!

You have always made me (us) proud.
Happy Birthday to my (our) dearest daughter.

No matter how old you are,
to me you will always be my little girl.
Have a brilliant Birthday!

You are the most beautiful gift anyone has ever been gifted with.
Happy Birthday to the best daughter in the whole wide world!

Happy Birthday to my little girl.
I wish you to love life and never stop dreaming!
May beauty and happiness surround you today and always!

I (We) feel so proud and happy to see that our
little girl has grown into such a fine, young and
beautiful woman.
Much love and blessings coming your way.

Having a daughter means...
Seeing a thousand rainbows every day,
A thousand occasions of sweet hurray,
A thousand sweet dreams every night,
And a thousand reasons to laugh and smile!
Happy Birthday to you, angel!

As parents we hope that you touch the life of
thousands of other people with the same happiness,
care and love that you have touched ours.
Happy Birthday to the best daughter in the whole wide world!

May you always be happy, healthy and wealthy...
so that you can take care of us when we are old :)

Happy Birthday to our beloved daughter.
May you be blessed with all the good things you deserve.

Today is so important to everyone who knows you
and who loves the amazing person you are.
On your birthday and always,
you're wished everything wonderful!

Mom and Dad



  1. How wonderful for Emily that she is so loved! :^)

  2. What a sweet birthday post....Happy Birthday Emily~!

  3. Haooy birthday to a special girl,i feel the same about my daughter, love Christine in Italy xx
