Sunday, October 7, 2012


NOTE: This is for fun and not to be eaten!
You will need plain Oatmeal, Birdseed, Rice Crispies
and Multi Color Glitter.
Take 1 part of each and put into a plastic bag.
Shake well and add the below poem. 
On Christmas Eve let the kids sprinkle the Reindeer Food
all over the yard.
Make a wish and close your eyes tight,
Then sprinkle on your lawn at night.
As Santa's reindeer fly & roam
This food will guide them to your home.
For your gift to the reindeer and Rudolph too
Your wish may be real, your dreams may come true.
*NOTE... There is EDIBLE GLITTER available at Michaels.
*NOTE #2... I prefer adding colored cereals like Fruity Pebbles or something to be like the multicolored glitter.  Then it doesn't matter what critter or child might eat from the baggie.
Simply bake up your favorite batch of cookies – place them on the dustpan;
then take a few & crumble into smaller pieces (to show that you swept them up…
even though you didn’t!)  Wrap the Dustpan with cellophane
and add a bow & gift tag with the following poem:
I was in a hurry,
‘Cuz time was running out.
I’d baked a batch of cookies for you,
And when I turned about,
I saw they’d fallen on the floor.
It made me want to shout!
How could this happen at this time,
When time was running out.
I couldn’t throw them in the trash.
Whatever could I do!
I quickly swept them in this pan,
And rushed them off to you.
I was baking some cookies
When they dropped on the floor.
So I scooped them right up
And rushed them to your door!
Merry Christmas From Our House To Yours!


  1. thank you for these beautiful Poem.
    what a great idea. i love it.
    Very much appreciated.Have a wonderful and creative week.
    Keep up the fabulous work.sending hugs across the miles

  2. oh my word this is so cute ... thank you so much for sharing with us all ... I have posted it on a craft forum I visit ... hope you don't mind ... here is the link ...
    and I am sure you will get lots of visitors ... happy crafting and love sandy xx

  3. Thanks so much !! The little ones will love it. So much fun.

  4. This is sooooooo!! great. Thanks so much. The grandchildren will love it. Lynne from OZ

  5. Thanks soooo! much. The grandchildren will love it. Lynne from OZ

  6. What a great poem and I can't wait to bake a batch to share now!

  7. Thank you! This is the one I asked about. I'd lost my copy and it's usually the one I give out to the newest of my neighbors. Again, Rhonda Sue, thank you!
