Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Liebster Award

WOW... I am so honored!  I have been doing this blog since April 2008.  Over all these years, I've had spurts of time to create and share and other times where it just was not possible.  But everyone has been so kind and supportive no matter what was going on.  I want to THANK all my followers as well as visitors for that support...  I've received tons of private notes, prayers, encouragement, and lots of comments left on the blog.  THANK YOU TO YOU ALL!!!!!!!

THANK YOU SO MUCH to VICKY from CRAFTING VICKY for gifting me with this award!  I'm honored and so blessed to be part of a fantastic "family" with all the friends of CREATE WITH TLC

Liebster is a German word meaning "Beloved," "Favorite," or "Dearest." This award is a peer to peer award in which fellow bloggers present the award to their favorite bloggers with less than 200 followers. The origins of this award is unclear, but is believed to have originated by a German blogger. This award was designed to be a blog award in the pay it forward fashion to share your dearest and most beloved blogs that have less than 200 followers.
Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to their blog. Post the award onto your blog. Give the award to five bloggers who you appreciate that have less than 200 followers. Leave a comment on their blog letting them know that you have given them this awesome award!

Now comes the hard part… choosing another 5!  Wow not an easy task.  What helped is that many of the blogs that I like have received it already so I’m passing on to some that haven’t  yet received the award and that have less than 200 followers.  And of course all those blogs are some that I really love, follow and that give me inspiration!

Here's my list of people that I'm passing this on:
Gilly's Place at
Fran at 
Lori at  

Jennifer at  
 Bri at

Please take some time to give some support to these FABULOUS BLOGGERS and ONLINE FRIENDS ...  They are all different themes and many reasons why I enjoy each one.  So go see for yourself why they are so good!  They are trusted sites and all family oriented!

Thank you, again VICKY...

Have a great week everyone!



  1. Awww, thank you so much, Rhonda! Have a very happy Halloween <3

    You asked about the pumpkin pie bars...they're from a mix (crust and filling) by Krusteaz. If you like pumpkin, it's definitely worth a try ;)

  2. Congratulations--well-deserved! :^)
    Hugs, Penny

  3. I glad you are a part of the TLC family....It is such a nice family....made up of great people like you.
    Thank you for awarding Bri's blog the award...that was so sweet, and I know she appreciated it.

  4. Rhonda Sue, you are such a darling! Thank you, I'm totally honored by this. You can reach me still. Are you getting mine, so much trouble with Time Warner sending! Thanks again, will work on the little eknown fab five. Thanks again. Gilly
