Monday, December 1, 2014

WOW... time has gotten away from me!

I guess this is what happens when you take on jobs outside of the home for other people.  My time is never my own any more.  I apologize to you as well as myself.  I am trying to figure out how to get some "me" time back and back to creating again...  Yesterday was my 48th Birthday and I decided that I need to find "ME" again!  It has been far too long that "I've" been in the back seat.  I hope to see you more frequently in the month ahead!



  1. I know it's a day late but hope your birthday was FANTABULOUS . I'm more of a lurker than a poster but love all your crafty ideas. I can relate to the lack of me time.

  2. I hope we do get to see more of you. Thanks you for the freebies. Looking forward to getting some time to make up a few things. Again Thanks so much...Hugs, joann

  3. Happy belated birthday. I know what you mean about just not having enough time. Hope you get some "me" time. You deserve it!,

  4. Hi Rhonda, if you've found a way to get some "me" time, would you pass it on please? I'm sure there are many of us out here working and have similar problem. Thank you for sharing your lovely work. I have only just found your site but will keep coming back. Cheers.
