Saturday, April 23, 2016


 Random Act of Kindness Gifts
Stocking Stuffers
Secret Santa Gifts
Teacher Gifts
Neighbor Gifts

1. We “SODA” like you. Thanks so much! (soda pop)

2. You are a “SOUPER” teacher. (can of soup)

3. You’re a “PEACH.” (peach jam, a fresh peach, or peach gummy rings)

4. To someone who always puts their best “FOOT” forward. (pair of socks, Fruit-By-The-Foot)

5. I could “BEAR”ly have made it without you. (Gummy bears or bear-shaped cookie cutter)

6. Thanks for adding “SPICE” to our lives. (jar of salsa)

7. Thank you for putting “COLOR” in my life. (box of crayons)

8. Here’s a bottle of LOTION for all the kindness you set in motion! (lotion)

9. Thank you! You’re one smart COOKIE. (plate or bag of cookies)

10. Not to be CORNY, but we really appreciate all that you do. (corn muffin mix, ears of corn, popcorn)

11. When it comes to teaching, you are “HOT STUFF.” (hot pad, Red Hot candies)

12. You’re a de”LIGHT” to work with. (candle, flashlight)

13. When help is needed, you’re always willing to “CHIP” in. (bag of chips)

14. Thanks to someone who really knows how to serve. (serving spoon)

15. I “DONUT” know what I would do without you! (box of doughnuts)

16. You’re worth a “MINT” (breath mints, Andes mints, mint brownies)

17. Thanks a “BUNCH” (bunch of bananas)

18. Thanks for adding PIZZAz to our meeting! (pizza sauce/toppings, box of pizza, gift card)

19. We think you’re “GRATE” (cheese grater)

20. Thank you for “CHEW”sing to come! (pack of gum)

21. We’re ROOTING for you. Good luck! (root beer)

22. It’s been a BALL working with you. Hope you have a BALL (popcorn balls)

23. Thanks for being there when KNEADED, for RISING to the occasion, for never LOAFING on the job, for helping others to HEEL. No matter how you SLICE IT, you do a great job! (loaf of bread)

24. Jelly is like love: you can’t spread it around without getting some on yourself. (jam or jelly)

25. You add SPARKLE and make life brighter wherever you go! (cleaners, sparkly lotion or lipgloss)

26. We’re NUTS about you! (bag of nuts)

27. You’ve been a lifesaver! (Lifesavers)

28. If friends were flowers, I’d pick you! (floral dish towel, fresh flowers, flower shaped candy)

29. Hope your day is SPRINKLED with laughter and love. (jar of sprinkles, cupcake with sprinkles)

30. Sending you HUGS and KISSES on your special day. (Hershey’s Hugs and Kisses)

31. Just POPPING by to say hello. (popcorn or soda pop)

32. We couldn’t re”STRAIN” ourselves from saying thank you. (strainer filled with treats)

33. No one MATCHES you! Thanks for all you do. (matches with or without candle)

34. Thank you to a “NOTEWORTHY” friend. (pencil and note pad)

35. You did a “BEARY” great job. To a “BEARY” great friend. (bear-shaped honey, gummy bears or   Teddy Grahams )

36. Da-“GUM” you are a great teacher. (pack of gum)

37. You are “PASTA”-tively wonderful! You did a “PASTA”-tively wonderful job. (pasta and sauce)

38. Snap! Crackle! Pop! We think you are really tops! (rice krispie treats)

39. Anyway you BREAK it, we think you’re the greatest (toffee or brittle)

40. You are the APPLE of my eye (apple anything---pie, lotion, muffins, candy)

41. You take the CAKE! (cupcakes or cake)

42. Whip up this MIX for a sweet tooth fix. (brownie, cake or muffin mix)

43. Here’s a little treat. Rise and bake, it can’t be beat. Warm, fresh rolls for you. Thanks for all you do! (Rhodes rolls or homemade frozen dough)

44. I really “CARROT” a lot about you! (baby carrots or carrot cake)

45. Here’s the SCOOP… you did a great job! (ice cream or ice cream scoop)

46. The kindness you show makes our friendship GROW and GROW! (potted plant)

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