Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Well, our daughters car is doing quite well now. THANKFULLY!

But our bunny (HOPPER) is not. The vet said he has cancer and it not curable. So he is being given antibiotics and pain pills for now. I do believe it is just a matter of time. So, we are treating the symptoms until our youngest daughter is able to say GoodBye. That is a tough one because Hopper is her baby!

The way I thought I could post zip files to my blog doesn't work. So I'm still trying to figure that out. In the mean time, I am posting them all individually instead of using a preview card with a zip to snag from some sharing site. So, give me a bit more time to figure this out and I will do that then. But for now, I hope you are enjoying the snag and can use them for many fun creations!

Thanks for visiting Craftymumz Creations!

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