Saturday, May 3, 2008

Angel Theme Templates

Good Morning!

Today is our youngest daughters bowling league games. Next week is free bowl and pizza party. She is then done for the summer. That means we'll actually get a few Saturdays to SLEEP IN after that! WOW...what a thought. She's done really well with her first year in Bowling though. She's gotten two medals for bowling 50 points over her average. She was so thrilled and rightfully so!

I've been having some pain in my left leg that is different than any I've ever had. I have a doc appt for Monday morning so we'll see what is up with that ... just a bit frustrating!

I haven't been online much for the last couple of days because I've been trying to get some house chores done as well as elevating my leg as much as possible.

I hope you like the choice of template shares today...

Have a great Saturday!

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