Sunday, August 8, 2010

Just Letting You Know

I really have been "torn" on whether or not to bring this up on my blog.  However, I have decided that I really should just so that those of you that follow me don't think I've thrown in the towel or fallen off the face of the earth. 

I am having surgery this month.  It is scheduled for August 18th.  Since my father-in-law lives with us and we take care of him, I am having some apprehensive feelings about this whole thing because I am going to be basically "out of commission" for anywhere from 2 - 8 weeks after the surgery.  That leaves quite a load of responsibility on my husband and youngest daughter.  After that 2 - 8 week time period, I still have a lot of adjustments and life changes going on.  The surgery I'm having is an RNY.  So it is major surgery and major changes!

I will pop in from time to time to update, but there won't be many creations to share for at least a month.  Bear with me and know that I am not quitting the computer crafting ... it is my sanity!  I just need to take a leave of absence for a short time.  I appreciate your understanding and any prayers for healing and such are appreciated!  Thank you!!

SMUGGLES to you all



  1. All the best to you! I had an RNY a year ago and it was the best thing I ever did for myself.

  2. All the best to you! I had an RNY a year ago and it was the best thing I ever did for myself.

  3. Rhonda, Best of luck on your surgery! I had the same one a few years back! Best thing I've ever done, well other then having my baby girl! but it was an adjustment. Especially the getting used to what you can and can't eat. I am anemic now and have some deficiencies but this is just from eating poorly(I now only eat 1 time a day) and not taking my vitamins. Make sure you eat your rice and spaghetti before your surgery, my sisters and I have found that's the hardest to eat, with out it feeling like it's stuck in your chest. I'll be praying for you!

  4. Best of LUCK! I know you are going to do just GREAT! Keep us posted or have Dave send us an update. LOVE YOU LOTS! Deanna

  5. will be praying for you and your family

  6. I'm praying for you as you have your surgery and make the life adjustments needed afterward. Hugs!!! Please let us know how you're doing when you feel up to it.

  7. God bless Rhonda, my SIL had this done years ago and she's never regretted it. Blessings on you and the team that will see to you. and your family also. Take care to fully recover. We'll be praying for a swift and complete recovery. Gilly

  8. Wishing you an uncomplicated surgery Rhonda and a speedy recovery. My SIL had this done years ago and she's never regretted it. In my prayers,Gilly

  9. Will keep you in prayers Rhonda, it will all work out.

  10. Hi Rhonda
    Just wanted you to know that I'm thinking of you and praying for you with your surgery coming up tomorrow. If you'd like to receive a card, please email me addy.


  11. Thinking and praying for you for the surgery, just remeber there is a lot of people rooting for you!!!
    Lotsa luv and hugs :)
