Friday, September 10, 2010

BLESSINGS ABOUND despite setbacks!

Hello and hugs to everyone!  This has been an amazing time in my life.  I never expected things to go the way they have, but I do believe GOD IS GOOD and all will be good in the end!  My girlfriend's favorite phrase for me lately is "This too shall pass!" 

I had my gastric bypass surgery on August 18th.  I was released and sent home on August 22nd.  I have to admit it was difficult at first.  The thought of trying to swallow anything was not fun, but finally was able to get into the swing of things and was doing so well!  Then, a huge speed bump hit me!  A severe case of gastroenteritis!  My stomach was so nauseous ~ I couldn't hardly lift my head off the pillow!  The diarrhea was unending and relentless despite the fact that I literally was only living on the few sips of water I managed to swallow!  I had a doctor appt to get the staples removed and that happened to be the 4th day of all of this.  He sent me to a GI Doctor.  This doctor suggested I go through the emergency room, get admitted and receive IV Fluids for the next 24 hours and I would be a whole new person!  I could only dream it be that easy!  But, not for me!  I was finally admitted and in my room late that day.  The next two days were so miserable that I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy (if I had any!)  The vomitting had started and smells of any kind were so horrible that I couldn't even handle someone walking down the hall with perfume on!  But Sunday finally hit ... 5th day of this hospital stay ... and I felt like a whole new person!  I was sent home that night and told "things will get better slowly but surely!".

Today I am still struggling to gain strength and drive, but I am slowly getting there.  INCH BY INCH IT IS A CINCH!  That is my new motto!  I must do things calculated and planned as well as slow for safety.  I am still under lifting restrictions and need to sleep in an elevated position for a few more weeks.  But all in all, every day is a bit better and I accomplish a bit more than the day before.  I am now driving again... that was a huge accomplishment, in my opinion!

I really want to thank all of you that have said prayers, sent notes, and shown support and encouragement!  I covet every one of them so much!  GOD IS GOOD and prayer/faith in numbers causes miracles!  THANK YOU ALL!!!!!!




  1. Ohhhh Dear...I'm SOOOO glad that you're doing better!! I have heard that a few do have issues and Uggg here you are!!
    Continued prayers for you my friend!
    I'm still on for the DS on Sept. 22 and getting a bit nervous...loving this liquid diet though, 10 in a week!! Hoooray!!

    -Ronda K

  2. Oh my, that sounds worse than going through terrible pain to me, Rhonda. To me extreme nausea is torture. I'm so glad you're finally over it and gradually getting your strength back. I sure have been praying for you and will continue to. Big hugs!!!

  3. I am glad you are doing well now. What kind of Gastric Bypass did you have?

  4. Yay~! Good to hear that you are getting stronger each day. Please continue to take it easy and let yourself heal.
    You are in my prayers.

  5. I am so glad to hear that you are feeling better keep your head up you are on the mends now Good luck I will keep you in my prayers

  6. Hey Rhonda-it's Ronda :)
    Just checking in to see how you're feeling my friend. Hoping that you're well on your way to healthy and wonderful fall days!!

    p.s. Diet is going well and at surgeons was tooouuuggghhh though :)

  7. I have been wondering how were you doing. Sorry it hasn't gone better but down the road you will have no regrets. I guess we all have a different journey and mine was an easy one with no nausea ever. You will be fine and you will get your strength back. Just hang in there. I like your motto
