I am so honored this morning!
I am tickled pink in fact! And humbled besides!
I opened my email to find that I was given not one,
not two, not three, BUT FOUR NEW AWARDS
for my blog and creativity and sharing ...
WOW! Thank you so much to
Polly at ANGELS IN MY GARDEN for all of them!!!!
You are a wonderful lady and I've so enjoyed reading
your blog! Thank you for sharing these awards with me!
You have renewed my spirit of creating and giving/sharing!
The first means just what it says,
"you're going places, baby."
Recipients of this award have to
tell where you see yourself in 10 years.
I honestly have not thought that far ahead...
I see myself skinnier and able to walk better
after I have my surgeries. I see great family
times together and enjoying more sunsets.
Second award I am supposed to tell you
7 things about myself so:
1. I love to share
2. I love to create in PSP7
3. I would love to get the photoshop program
4. I love reading, cooking, baking, blogging,
counted cross stitch, and trying to scrapbook
5. I love the Mid-West and would move back
in a heartbeat!
6. I can't t wait to take a family vacation
again, even though it seems as if it might not
happen for many years
7. I love taking road trips! Stop where you want
and when you want, enjoy the scenery, see
all kinds of new people and new experiences!
Polly said:
I love your blog!! I read yours a lot and really think
you are so creative. I would give anything if I could
design ... just can't get the hang of it. The programs
are like Greek to me. Take care and have a great day!!

Last is the Sunshine Award, which must be passed on to 12 bloggers,
so I am doing what Polly did and passing on all four of these awards
on to the following 12 bloggers. These are fantastic, creative,
shairng, giving and loving people/blogs and they are all a must-see!
1 -- Paulette at Create with TLC
2 -- Sandy at Taylor Made by Sandy
3-- Bethany at Elegant Word Art
4 -- Marcia at Grammas Cookbook
5 -- Tip Junkie
7- - Christie at Digital Daisy
8 -- Lori at Lori's Freebie List
9 -- Craft Crave
10 -- Gilly at Gilly's Place
11 -- Free Digital Stamps
12 -- Creative Busy Hands
So, YES, each of you listed here can snag and post
and know that I appreciate each and every one of you
for your caring, sharing and giving hearts!
You are a lovely, sharing, caring lady and so deserving of the awards. Congratulations many times over. I'm glad I found you and I will surely discover many new friends among the recipients you have chosen, for I plan to visit them all. Have a great day, Sweetheart!!!
Awe, thanks my dear!!! You rock!
Thank you so much for the awards!! I am totally flattered :)
Thanks so much for the award. I really appreciate you thinking of me.
congradulations Sue on all your rewards you deseve them all and more you have a great site
Thank you so much for the awards! (I never expected any for mostly recipes pages:) I really am surprised. Although
Congrats on your awards, you are a very sweet lady and deserve them. and thanks again.
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